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Farm Bill Update!
The House and Senate have both announced movement on the Farm Bill after months of silence! Read about this important package of policy now!
LAMA Signs Letter to Support the EAT Local Foods Act
Join LAMA in signing a letter supporting the EAT Local Foods Act! Read on to learn more about the Act and how your ministry can join!
ELCA Advocacy Action Alert: Urge Members to Co-Sponsor the Asylum Seeker Work Authorization Act
Read the latest Action Alert from ELCA Advocacy’s Federal Office! Urge our lawmakers to support the Asylum Seeker Work Authorization Act!
Advocacy Update: March 2024
March 2024. ELCA Advocacy publishes monthly updates from Lutheran Office for World Community and state public policy offices (SPPOs) in the ELCA Advocacy BLOG each month.
LSS-SW: “Why Voting Is Important” Webinar
Last Week, Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest shared a webinar on the importance of voting. Check it out now!
NEWS: Colorado River Indian Tribes Reach Water Rights Settlement
The Colorado River Indian Tribes reached a water rights settlement with the State last week! Read to learn more.
Domestic Hunger Grants: Now accepting letters of inquiry
Need help funding your hunger ministry? ELCA World Hunger’s 2025 Domestic Hunger Grants are easier than ever to apply for, and faster to receive the funds. Hurry! Letters of inquiry are due June 16!
ELCA Advocacy Summer School sessions
Use these 30-minute reflections plus 15-minute Q&A sessions on advocacy tips and themes to lay groundwork and stimulate discussion in congregations, study groups, advocacy teams and more.
Be A Part Of Generation Zero Hunger with ELCA World Hunger!
Will you join Generation Zero Hunger? Right now, all gifts to the youth-driven fundraising challenge will be matched!
Arizona Housing Facts
Read all about housing in Arizona, from the fourth in a series of education posts about LAMA’s policy priorities. Get up to date on the issues we are advocating on!
Testimonial: Why Voting Matters
LSS-SW shared a testimonial from one of their staff members on the importance of voting. Read Francisca’s story now!
New: ELCA World Hunger “Health And Hunger” Toolkit
Check out the newest toolkit from ELCA World Hunger, exploring the relationship between hunger and health! Engage your ministry with discussion, games, and activities!
ELCA Advocacy Action Alert: Advocate for Conservation and Climate-Friendly Farm Bill Measures
ELCA Advocacy Action Alert: Encourage Congress to support conservation and climate friendly measures in the Farm Bill!
National Day of Prayer to End Hunger
The Interfaith Campaign for Food and Nutrition Security invites you to unite in spirit and action with members of the Jewish, Muslim, and Christian faiths, along with all other faith communities to commit to eradicating food and nutrition insecurity throughout the United States.
Action Alert: Urge Senate President Warren Petersen (LD 14) to Advance YIGBY
YIGBY is stalled in the Senate! Urge Senate President Petersen (LD14) to bring the bill to the floor.
URGENT ACTION ALERT: Contact Your Legislators TODAY to Support HB2677
1864 meets 2024: Tomorrow the legislature will vote on repealing the recently upheld abortion ban enacted in 1864. Read more about our position and how you can join us in advocating for dignity and compassion in our state.
Arizona Hunger Facts
Read all about hunger in Arizona, from the third in a series of education posts about LAMA’s policy priorities. Get up to date on the issues we are advocating on!
Update: HB 2547 FAILS!
Read about our success in opposing a harmful election-related bill! HB2547 failed its vote in the Senate, but we aren’t safe from this policy just yet.