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URGENT ACTION ALERT: Contact Your Legislators TODAY to Support HB2677
1864 meets 2024: Tomorrow the legislature will vote on repealing the recently upheld abortion ban enacted in 1864. Read more about our position and how you can join us in advocating for dignity and compassion in our state.
ELCA Advocacy Action Alert: Urge Congress to Support Efforts Combating HIV/AIDS
In honor of World AIDS Day this month, use your voice to support the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief. Congressional authorization for PEPFAR expired this year on September 30. Congress needs to pass legislation to reauthorize continuation of the program.
ELCA Action Alert: Urge Congress to Reauthorize the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR)
The current congressional authorization for PEPFAR expires on September 30. This ELCA Advocacy Action Alert requests that you urge Congress to support this important legislation.
Attention to U.S. Hunger at White House Conference
The Conference on Food, Nutrition, Hunger, and Health sponsored by the White House on September 28 became the second of its kind in over half a century. Tackling hunger, nutrition and health in America was the theme, accompanied by the Administration’s announcement of a National Strategy on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health.
The Truth About Caregiving: Your Determination Isn’t Enough
After caring for my ill son, my dying husband and my elderly mother, I’ve learned that you can fight only so hard to save a loved one.
A Holistic View of Vaccine Hesitancy
“From the perspective of Black people, particularly many young ones, the government is not to be trusted.”
Medicaid expansion on chopping block in SCOTUS case
The Congressional Budget Office estimated in September that the number of people enrolled in Medicaid expansion will grow to 13.7 million people in 2021. The Urban Institute in an Oct. 15 report suggested that overturning the ACA would result in at least a 90 percent increase in the uninsured population for 25 of the expansion states.
What's at stake if the Supreme Court rules against ObamaCare
While the ACA's fate is still uncertain — many legal experts in both parties think the lawsuit’s arguments are so weak that even conservative justices would uphold the law — the consequences of it being struck down would reverberate through almost every corner of the health care system.