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The Story of HB 2502 & 2503: From Testifying in Congress to Governor’s Veto
Gov. Hobb’s vetoed two bills we have long been opposing! Read on for a look back at all of our hard work on this bill, from Hunger Advocacy Fellow Autumn Byars.
Arizona Voting Facts
Read all about voter participation and voting legislation in Arizona, from the second in a series of education posts about LAMA’s policy priorities! Get up to date on the issues we are advocating on, including perspective from our social statements and data.
Community Spotlight: University Lutheran Church’s Offering of Letters
Read about University Lutheran Church and ASU Lutheran Campus Ministry’s Offering of Letters! Hosted by Bread for the World, this campaign advocates to the passage of an equitable Farm Bill.
Action Alert: Urge Our Senators to Expand the Child Tax Credit
ELCA Action Alert: We still haven’t gotten the CTC passed! Keep pressuring congress to make it a priority.
Hunger Advocacy Fellow Autumn Byars Interviewed by Telemundo Arizona about harmful SNAP Bills
See Hunger Fellow Autumn Byars advocating on Telemundo Arizona view clips of the full interview, follow links to the AZ Mirror story, and pics of Autumn’s big day.
Update: HB2502 & HB2503 Pass the Senate
UPDATE: Hb 2502 & 2503, two restrictive SNAP bills that we have worked hard to oppose passed the Senate and now await the governon’s signature.
Strike Everything Bill Resurrects Punitive Housing Bill
UPDATE: A Housing bill that we worked to defeat has been resurrected by a pair of strike everything bills. Read more about the policy now.
RTS for the Week of 4/2
Read our weekly RTS alert for the 2024 Legislative Session. This week we are looking at an important voting bill, urging opposition to HCR 2032: “The Big One.”
AFN Action Alert: Protect Arizona’s Sacred and Public Lands
AFN Action Alert: Urge our lawmakers to reject legislation that threatens to undermine protection of Arizona’s public and sacred lands! Take action to protect Creation right here in Arizona.
Arizona Water Facts
Read all about water sourcing and use in Arizona, from the first in a series of education posts about LAMA’s policy priorities! Get up to date on the issues we are advocating on, including perspective from our social statements and data.
Action Alert: Urge Your Senator To Oppose HB2547
Action Alert: Urge your Senator to vote NO on HB2547. This bill is set to be voted on soon, and if successful, will make voting much harder in the state of AZ.
And the winner of the 40-40-40 Lenten Challenge is…
Click to see who won the 40-40-40 Lenten Challenge. And a heartfelt thank you on behalf of the Grand Canyon Synod Hunger Leaders Network.
40-40-40 Lenten Challenge: Donate to ELCA World Hunger
One option in the 40-40-40 Lenten Challenge is to donate to ELCA World Hunger to honor its 50 years in ministry and add to your synod’s Lenten contributions. Have you donated yet? Click here.
RTS For the Week of 3/26
Have you missed an RTS Update? Read through our mid-season round up of the most important bills in all of our priority areas!
YIGBY Goes National
Senator Sherrod Brown, a Lutheran from Ohio, recently introduced an act that would provide support to states looking to opt in to YIGBY programs and partner with houses of worship and nonprofits to build affordable housing. Read the details here!
Action Alert: Contact Your State Senator About YIGBY
LAMA Action Alert: Contact your state Senator about YIGBY!
Northeastern Tribes Close in on Water Settlement
This World Water Day, read this update about the recently introduced water rights settlement between the Navajo Nation, the State of Arizona, and other tribes.
Action Alert: Increase Pressure for an Immediate & Permanent Ceasefire
The latest Action Alert from ELCA Sumud for Justice in Palestine and Israel.