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LAMA at the Polls
Today (March 19th), is the first of many statewide elections 2024. To celebrate Election Day and honor LAMA’s commitment to voting and civic engagement, Solveig and Autumn spent the day at the polls.
Advocacy Fellow Autumn Byars Testifies Against HB2502
Read about Autumn’s trip to the Capitol! She testified in a Senate committee hearing for the first time, speaking against HB 2502 and HB 2503.
Invite Us To Your Events!
We want to feature stories of our churches working to end hunger and make a difference in their communities. Invite our Hunger Advocacy Fellow to join your next event, and get featured in the LAMA newsletter!
RTS For The Week of 3/19: Election Day Edition!
Read our weekly RTS alert for the 2024 Legislative Session. This week we are looking at some important voting bills, urging opposition to HB 2547, and HB 2787, plus some bonus bills!
Understanding Christian Nationalism webinar available for viewing
Watch Christian Nationalism webinar sponsored by Diakonia—Grand Canyon Synod.
We Are Christians Against Christian Nationalism
This new discussion guide from ELCA Advocacy offers a primer on Christian nationalism from a Lutheran perspective.
RTS For The Week of 3/12
Read our weekly RTS alert for the 2024 Legislative Session. This week we are looking at a water bill and two SNAP bills. We encourge support for HB2024 and opposition to HB2502 and HB2503.
Action Alert: Urge the AZ Legislature to Support Healthy School Meals for All
Urge the Arizona State Legislature to provide funding for free and reduced price school meals in its upcoming budget!
Advocacy In Action: News From the ELCA Conference of Bishops
The ELCA Conference of Bishops met last week and wrote two letters, advocating for neighbors in need. Our leaders address lawmakers, urging them to support Annunciation House in Texas, and a Ceasefire in Gaza, calling us to join them in defending our neighbors.
New ELCA Service and Justice Director Starts Monday: Introducing Rev. Khader El-Yateem
Welcome the new executive director of ELCA Service and Justice! Service and Justice oversees several interconnected ministries, including ELCA Advocacy, AMMPARO, and Reconciling Works.
Reminder: Mail Your Ballot by March 12
Tues. March 12 is the last day to mail your PPE ballot! Read on to find drop-off locations and polling places for next week’s election.
Request to Speak Alerts for the Week of 3/5
Read our weekly RTS alert for the 2024 Legislative Session. This week we are looking at a voting bill! We oppose HB 2547.
Arizona Action Alert: Urge Your State Senator to Oppose Harmful SNAP Bills HB2502 & HB2503
Contact your state Senator and urge them to oppose these concerning SNAP bills in upcoming committee and floor meetings.
40-40-40 Lenten Challenge: 40 wellness activities for Lent
One option in the 40-40-40 Lenten Challenge is to commit to doing one wellness activity every day for the 40 days of Lent. How’s it going? Need ideas? Click here.
New Journey Lutheran Church Sponsors Fountain Hills Community Food Pack for Food For Kidz
Read all about New Journey Lutheran Church’s 11th annual mobile food packing event for Food For Kidz. NJLC partnered with other churches and the Fountain Hills community to provide thousands of meals to people in need.
LAMA Joins Local Partners in Letter Supporting the Child Tax Credit
LAMA joined 20 other local organizations in signing on to a letter urging our Senators to support the expanded Child Tax Credit. Read it now!
HB2815 Update: Yes In God’s Back Yard Passes the House
EXCITING NEWS: YIGBY (hb2815) passed the House last night! Thank you for your advocacy!
ELCA Advocacy Action Alert: Take Action to Fully Fund W.I.C and S.N.A.P
ELCA Advocacy Action Alert: Urge Congress to fully fund WIC and SNAP before March 1!