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Know Your Rights: A Resource Guide for Immigrant Accompaniment and Advocacy
In times of heightened uncertainty, our immigrant neighbors need support and accompaniment. The ELCA’s AMMPARO ministry offers critical tools to understand and assert rights during encounters with law enforcement or ICE. This guide includes Red Cards, family preparedness plans, and multilingual resources to help families stay informed and safe.
Join us for Lutheran Day at the Legislature in 2025!
REGISTER NOW! Join us for a day of advocacy at the Arizona Capitol! Lutheran Day at the Legislature is Monday, February 10, 2025 from 9:30 am - 1:30 pm. Check our website daily for updates.
Are you interested in Lutheran advocacy?
Lutheran Advocacy Ministry in Arizona (LAMA) seeks enthusiastic, engaged individuals in the Grand Canyon Synod to join our LAMA Policy Committee. Learn more here.
Spirited Book Club: Caring for Words in a Culture of Lies
Spirited Book Club takes up Marilyn McEntyre's Caring for Words in a Culture of Lies, which exposes the commercial and political forces that affect public discourse in American culture and counters with twelve constructive 'strategies of stewardship'.
From Local Farms to Global Advocacy: ELCA World Hunger’s 50-Year Legacy
This year the ELCA has been celebrating how ELCA World Hunger came to be and the thousands of donors who have and continue to make its work possible. Since 1974, hundreds of thousands of people from across the church have contributed more than $650 million to support ELCA World Hunger.
Will you be a district coordinator this year?
We need your help! Volunteer to be your district’s coordinator for Lutheran Day at the Legislature this year! Read what’s involved here.
News on SNAP and federal hunger policies from FRAC
This excellent update on SNAP Access, Free School Meals & Summer EBT is from the Food Research & Action Center (FRAC) News Digest, dated December 2.
Northeast Valley Consortium sponsors GCS Hunger Leaders Network in 2025
The Northeast Valley Consortium – a collaboration among Ascension, Christ the Lord, Living Water, New Covenant, and New Journey Lutheran Churches, founded in 2020 – approved $2,000 to fund Grand Canyon Synod participation in the 2025 ELCA World Hunger Leaders Gathering.
Prayers for Unity
As Thanksgiving approaches, we are grateful to God for countless blessings. With these prayers, we prayer for unity in our nation, and among our leaders.
Congratulate and thank your legislators!
Be it a Christmas or Chanukah card, or a simple Congratulations on Your Election note, now is the perfect time to build a bridge with your legislators. Start building that relationship!
Shop ELCA Good Gifts
Searching for the perfect gift? Shop ELCA Good Gifts and choose from more than 50 life-changing, charitable gifts to give in lieu of traditional Christmas presents.
If loving your neighbor and advocating for social justice by lifting up issues and helping to shape policy in Arizona is important to you, please consider supporting the ministry of Lutheran Advocacy Ministry Arizona (LAMA) with an early #GivingTuesday gift today.
Lifting Voices for Justice: ELCA Advocacy on Child Hunger, DACA, and More
From combating child hunger to advocating for climate action and justice for Dreamers, the ELCA continues to live out its call to serve neighbors and proclaim God’s peace. This month’s highlights include updates from COP29, work on U.S.-Israel humanitarian aid, and support for DACA protections.
Seeking Peace in this Advent Season: A Bread for the World Devotional
Free devotional from Bread for the World. Each weekly devotional message approaches peace with a different invitation: finding peace in remembering God’s promises; pausing and being still as a way of preparing for Christ’s coming; finding joy as we turn over our burdens to God; and letting the proclamation of God’s justice change us from the inside out.
Civic Engagement Guide: Sacred Crossroads
Use this nonpartisan resource to explore key immigration facts from ELCA Ammparo and reflect on how Christian values compel us to pursue justice, help the oppressed, promote human dignity and human flourishing, and pray for a government that serves all neighbors. 8 pages.
Guiding Congregations Through the Post-Election Season: A Toolkit for Church Leaders
Equip your congregation to navigate the post-election season with Faith+Lead’s free 2024 Election Toolkit. Filled with resources for fostering empathy, addressing complex issues, and promoting Gospel values over partisanship, this toolkit offers practical guidance for preaching, teaching, and living out justice and faith.
LAMA Policy Council Retreat and Policy Priorities
The Lutheran Advocacy Ministry Arizona Policy Council met Sunday-Monday, November 17-18 to listen, learn, laugh and discern LAMA’s Policy Priorities for 2025.