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Get Involved!
Our website has been refreshed! Prepare for the fall by checking out our "Get Involved" pages for LAMA Liaisons and for the Grand Canyon Synod Hunger Leader's Network.
New Bonhoeffer Curriculum Available
The Lutheran Advocacy Ministry of Pennsylvania shared this new curriculum: “Lessons from Dietrich Bonhoeffer in a House Divided and a World On Fire.” Made in partnership with the International Bonhoeffer Society, this study course explores Bonhoeffer’s legacy and teachings.
ELCA Advocacy Action Alert: Support Lifesaving International Programs
ELCA Advocacy Action Alert: Take action to support lifesaving international programs! Encourage our Senators to fully fund these programs in the FY2025 budget.
Action Alert: Urge Arizona Law Makers to Support the Thrifty Food Plan!
Use the August Recess as a chance to educate your lawmakers on the importance of the Thrifty Food Plan! This week, write to your Representatives and urge them to protect the TFP in the Farm Bill!
UPDATE: Congress Members Introduce the Northeastern Arizona Indian Water Rights Settlement!
The Northeastern Arizona Indian Tribes Water Rights Settlement has officially been introduced in Congress! Learn if your lawmakers are supporting HR8940, and how you can help, here!
UPDATE: Child Tax Credit Stalls
Last Thursday, the Senate voted against bringing the crucial Child Tax Credit to the floor. Find out why (and why there is still hope!) here.
Generation Zero Hunger Update
#GenZeroHunger raised $100K at the ELCA Youth Gathering! Join young people in our church in pledging to end world hunger while the dollar-for-dollar match continues.
Active Action Alert Round Up
Take a look back at all of the still-active Action Alerts from this year. Make sure you’ve weighed in on all of them!
ELCA Advocacy: What Does Voting Mean To You? (Week 4)
Week 3: Hear from Will Milner (HAF in Washington, DC0 about how his faith values impact his vote in this new video from ELCA Advocacy!
Action Alert: Plan an Advocacy Activity For God’s Work Our Hands Sunday
Prepare for God’s Work Our Hands Sunday by planning an advocacy activity! Participate in the service day while staying inside and beating the heat.
2024 Primary Election Results
Find out the result’s for Tuesday’s primary election! Learn which candidates will be facing off in November.
Ballot Propositions Are Now Available!
Get ready for the November election by researching the propositions that will be on ballot! Draft analyses are out now.
Introducing the LAMA Book Club
Introducing our next opportunity for conversation and connection: Book Time with LAMA. Readers are invited to suggest titles and facilitate conversations. August selection: I Think You're Wrong (But I'm Listening): A Guide to Grace-Filled Political Conversations.
Urge Senators Kelly and Sinema to Vote 'Yes' on the Child Tax Credit Expansion
ACT by Thursday! The Senate is expected to vote this Thursday on the expanded Child Tax Credit (CTC). The tax legislation that includes the expanded CTC has been stuck in the Senate since January, when the House passed it with an overwhelming bipartisan majority. It is critical that senators pass the expanded CTC now.
Community Partnership: Project AZUL & Santa Cruz Lutheran Food Bank
Guest blogger Joanie Contreras of Santa Cruz Lutheran in Tucson shares today’s Community Spotlight on their partnership with Sahuarita Food Bank’s Project AZUL.
Prep Now for August Advocacy Opportunities
August presents unique opportunities to bring our deep concerns as Christians about many things related to our planet and the beings that inhabit it to U.S. Congress in our own backyards. Read tips from ELCA Advocacy.
ELCA Youth & Young Adult Gathering Recap
Last week, the LAMA team joined synod staff, youth, leaders, and young adults from around Arizona for the ELCA Youth and Young Adult Gatherings in NOLA! Read our LAMA recap here.
Get Out and Vote!
Voting has begun for the Arizona Primary! Vote on or before July 30. Here are some steps to ensure your voting process goes smoothly.