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Open Call to Faithful Arizonans: Be a Poll Monitor in 2024
We are called to conversation and prayer around our role as U.S. residents and as people of faith in ensuring our election systems promote dignity and respect for all. Join our 2024 Election Protection Arizona efforts!
ELCA Social Message: Gun-Related Violence and Trauma
The ELCA adopted its social message about gun-related violence and trauma in April, 2024. The message's themes focus on trauma, public health, and an ethic of shared responsibility for peacemaking, seeking to move beyond the strict polarization of gun rights vs. gun control.
New ELCA Corporate Social Responsibility Resources
Check out these new resources on corporate responsibility from churchwide! Learn about responsible ways to spend our money and explore the intersection between corporate life and the issues we work on.
Community Spotlight: Grand Canyon Food Pantry
Last week, Hunger Advocacy Fellow Autumn traveled up to the Grand Canyon to tour and volunteer at the Grand Canyon Community Food Bank— the ONLY food bank in a national park! Learn more about this pantry, run by a member of our GCS Hunger Leaders Network!
Spirited Book Club: The Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory
Ever wonder what it means to be a part of the EVANGELICAL Lutheran Church in America when the word evangelical has come to stand for just about everything you’re not?
ELCA Advocacy Action Alert: Advocate For Robust International Food Aid in the Farm Bill
Join Lutherans from across the country in advocating on another important aspect of the Farm Bill! The bill oversees international food aid programs, which we hope to see strengthened in the bill’s draft. Send our one-click letter now!
Sine Die! LAMA End-Of-Session Update 2024
The Arizona State Legislature reached Sine Die on Saturday, June 15, 2024. Read a short list of LAMA’s legislative activity during the 2024 session.
Community Spotlight: West Valley Community Food Pantry
Hunger Fellow Autumn Byars visits the West Valley Community Food Pantry, housed at and run by St. John’s Lutheran Church in Glendale. Read about this inspiring hunger ministry in the Grand Canyon Synod.
Healthy School Meals for All In Arizona Study from ASU and AZFBN
Prepare for AZ’s budget negotiations by reading this fascinating study about school meals in Arizona conducted by ASU and AZFBN. Learn about the importance of, cost of, and perspectives on school meals in our state.
New Farm Bill Draft
Last month, Congress finally released proposed drafts of the Farm Bill! This policy is crucial to hunger relief in our country; take some time to read about the good and the bad provisions in this new proposal.
Community Spotlight: Food Bank at Streams in the Desert Lutheran Church
Community Spotlight: Read about the food pantry at Streams in the Desert Lutheran Church in Tucson! The pantry opens once a week to provide shelf stable food to neighbors in need. Autumn recently got a chance to pay them a visit!
ELCA Advocacy Action Alert: Prioritize Worker Well-Being and the Future of Our Farm and Food Systems
ELCA Advocacy is including protections for farm workers in our farm bill priorities! Join us in urging congress to address farm worker wellbeing!
ELCA Action Alert: Improve Disaster Recovery Policies
As Lutherans, we hold profound concern for survivors of major disasters, as we see dignity in each person as children of God. Our churches, LDR, and many of our partners arrive in the immediate aftermath of a disaster and remain working to rebuild years after FEMA leaves. This bill helps that.
NEW: Feeding America’s Map the Meal Gap
Feeding America ha released this year’s Map the Meal Gap Report, detailing rates of food insecurity in our country. Check out all the updated numbers now!
Action Alert: Protect Arizonans’ Voting Process
Yet another policy threatening to curtail early voting and ban voting centers is up for discussion! Join us in urging your legislators to vote against HCR2056.
HCR 2060’s Day at the Senate
On May 22, Autumn joined Arizona Faith Network at the capitol during the Senate’s vote on HCR2060. Sen Hernandez (LD24) even read a letter from a LAMA member! Read more about the action-packed day!
UPDATE: Tribal Water Rights Agreement Goes to Congress
UPDATE: The Northeastern Arizona tribes have approved the water rights settlement, and now it will go before congress. Learn how you can advocate for just water rights on the Hopi and Navajo reservations!
ELCA Advocacy Action Alert: Expand Senior & Disability Benefits
ELCA Advocacy is calling on us to support a bipartisan effort to expand senior and disability benefits! Take action now and join ecumenical faith partners to advocate for our vulnerable neighbors.