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Child Tax Credit: Hunger Policy Podcast June 2021
Did you get a letter in the mail about Child Tax Credits from the IRS? Ryan Cummings of ELCA World Hunger did. This podcast will deepen your appreciation of #ChildTaxCredits (CTCs) as he and John Johnson of ELCA Advocacy dive into what CTCs can mean in the lives of families, especially those struggling with hunger ~ and why making CTCs permanent can have a huge, positive impact.
Hunger Advocacy Fellow Opening in Arizona
The 2021-22 Hunger Advocacy Fellow placed with LAMA will serve as a member of the staff of this ELCA-affiliated State Public Policy Office as a full-time contract employee. This is a paid position, including health insurance. The position begins in September 2021.
Support peace with justice in Palestine and Israel
Urge President Biden to deliver a message to Israel: it must halt the illegal removal of East Jerusalem families from their homes and respect the Status Quo agreement and holy sites in Jerusalem.
Act Now for Equal Rights for LGBTQIA+ Individuals
The House has passed the bipartisan Equality Act (H.R. 5), a bill that would add sexual orientation and gender identity as protected classes alongside race, gender, religion, national origin, age, and disability. Now we need to urge the Senate to introduce and pass an amended version of this legislation too.
Bread for the World Offering of Letters to Congress
As Christians, we are called to seek justice, care for those experiencing hunger and poverty, and embrace our Creator’s vision of hope, love, and peace. We are called to embody it in public as we commit to live in solidarity with those who are made vulnerable by the inequities that drive hunger and poverty in the United States and around the world.
Stay Informed: For the People Act 2021
HR.1/S.1 For the People Act. This bill addresses voter access, election integrity and security, campaign finance, and ethics for the three branches of government.
2021 Bills LAMA Tracks in Arizona State Legislature
THIS WEEK’S BILLS: You can impact legislation this week by making your voice be heard via Request to Speak: HB2668 (Weds, 3/31 - Nutrition Assistance), HB2805 (Weds, 3/31 - Economic Security), SB1387 (Tues, 3/30 - Child & Youth Welfare), SB1411 (Tues, 3/30 - Economic Security).
Advocacy 101 Workshop
The recording of the Advocacy 101 training workshop sponsored by LAMA, Arizona Faith Network, and Bread for the World Southwest is now available online. Facilitated by Angie Burleson.
Lutheran Office for World Community Policy Priorities
Lutheran Office for World Community (LOWC) represents both the ELCA and the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) at UN headquarters in New York. Advocacy through LOWC reflects the work of these bodies depending on whether the context is domestic or international.
LAMA Announces 2021 Legislative Priorities
In keeping with its mission to “joins with the most vulnerable of our society to voice our common needs in the public square, activating our faith in love,” LAMA announces its 2021 Legislative Priorities.
I’m a Lutheran: Scott Peters
Scott Peters, U.S. representative for California’s 52nd Congregational District, shares how his faith impacts his work.
Called to Be Political Advocacy Resource from WELCA
Called to be Political explores the Christian call and responsibility of civic engagement. This updated and refreshed version of the Women of the ELCA’s popular resource includes the reflection of four Lutheran women on faith and politics.
Government and Civic Engagement Social Message Congregational Study
The Discipleship in a Democracy social message explores how government is a gift from God that can also be abused and misused. It also delves into how we can view civic engagement as Lutherans. A Study Guide and a Leader's Guide for those facilitating groups is now available. Spanish translation also available.
How Would Jesus Vote? Study Resource
A new Voting Study Resource for congregations by Rev. Mark Holman, Bishop’s Associate for Mobility and Leadership, for the Grand Canyon Synod.
Sign up to be a block captain
Valley Interfaith Project is recruiting Block Captains to engage voters in conversations about what is most important to them and their families in this election.
Sign up to be a poll worker
Poll workers are essential to our democracy. They play a crucial role in ensuring our elections run smoothly. Poll workers set up voting locations, guide voters through the voting process, and help guard the integrity of our elections. Arizona needs your help!
ELCA Civic Engagement and Voter Education Guide
The ELCA Civic Engagement and Voter Education Guide is a resource guide to encourage, empower and equip voter education and other responsible civic participation shaped by faith values.