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Lunch and Learn: How Clean Water Can Help End Hunger
A Lunch & Learn virtual dialecture by ELCA World Hunger’s Dr. Ryan Cumming. Developed for the GCS and SEIS in conjunction with our inter-synod 40-40-40 Lenten Challenge. Thursday, March 16 @ 10:00PST / 11:00MST.
Cultivating Climate Justice Retreat
Explore the economic, cultural, political, and ecological contours of the systemic crisis we face, and grow in the knowledge, skills, spiritual strength, and community that are so vital to forging the paths toward climate justice.
Climate and Hunger Toolkit from ELCA World Hunger
This resource contains activities that can be used together or separately. “Opening” helps participants explore the connections between hunger, climate change and their faith. “Learning” dives into the intersections between hunger and climate change such as nutrition, transportation and weather. “Closing” helps you plan for future community activities on hunger and climate change.
Governor Hobbs Announces Actions to Modernize Arizona’s Groundwater Management
Over 40% of Arizona's water supply comes from groundwater. Outside of the central populous portions of the state, there has been little regulation governing its use. This affects the water future of more than 1.5 million Arizonans.
ELCA Social Statement: Caring for Creation
The Caring for Creation: Vision, Hope, and Justice social statement explains the ELCA’s teachings on ecology and the environment, grounded in a biblical vision of God's intention for the healing and wholeness of creation.
Tending God’s Garden: Presiding Bishop Eaton on Caring for Creation
Caring for creation is not just a boutique issue for the few, but a faith issue for all of us. As #COP26, the UN Climate Change Conference met in Glasgow, Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton reminds us that we are called to tend God’s garden and be good stewards of creation. ELCA resources included.
‘It is not enough’: World leaders react to COP26 climate agreement
Many call on countries to move faster to curb greenhouse gas emissions and help nations suffering the most from climate change, after last-minute moves weakened Glasgow’s final deal.
‘The fight for climate justice and the fight for social justice must go hand in hand’
“Again and again, speakers at the COP26 Conference in Glasgow, Scotland appealed to the need for solidarity between marginalized groups. “Our fight is your fight,” said Betty Billot, a member of the Houma nation on the U.S. Gulf Coast, speaking about the land loss faced by Indigenous communities.”
Congregational Resources for Talking about Faith and Climate
Congregational resources offer communication guidance for faith leaders who want to talk about climate change. Two guides are available for download from ELCA Advocacy.
Climate Change and Hunger Webinar by ELCA World Hunger
This webinar in the Hunger at the Crossroads series is “Climate Change and Hunger.” The webinar will be led by Ryan Cumming and Brooke De Jong of ELCA World Hunger on October 27 at 6:00pm CDT.
ELCA Calls for Support of Disaster Relief and Prevention
As Hurricane Ida surges through Louisiana and other southern states this week, it is a critical time to reach out to our lawmakers to ensure our communities have the resources they need to respond to natural disasters. Please take action and share with your congregation and partners today!
First-ever water shortage declared on the Colorado River, triggering water cuts for some states in the West
The Tier 1 shortage will hit hardest in Arizona, which agreed decades ago to “junior rights” to the river in exchange for federal funding for an aqueduct that delivers water to Phoenix, Tucson and other central parts of the state.
Support Arizona's Clean Energy Future!
Please act now to reduce carbon emission to address climate change, clean up our air, conserve our water, and promote healthy communities!