Urgent: Advocacy needed TODAY to protect our neighbors!

Advocacy Alert from our colleagues at Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest.

Take Action Today! Urge your Congressional Representatives to protect funding for our neighbors in need

This week, Congress may vote on the Federal budget, which at this time includes drastic cuts to Medicaid in the amount of $880 billion over 10 years and $230 billion in cuts to SNAP benefits. We know that existing challenges already leave many people vulnerable—from affordable housing shortages, job losses, to the high cost of everyday necessities—will only be exacerbated if Medicaid is cut.  

Who would this affect?

  • 41 million people received SNAP benefits in 2024.

  • Seniors

  • Children

  • Pregnant women

  • Single mothers

  • Families

  • Those who struggle affording food

  • Those living paycheck to paycheck

  • Hard working individual who utilize assistance to help them survive

  • Frontline healthcare workers

  • Our neighbors

How does this affect Arizona?

Medicaid is what is called AHCCS in Arizona.  2.2 million Arizonans utilize AHCCS with full or partial coverage to help them meet their basic needs. 

What can you do?

Call or email your U.S. Representative and urge him or her to vote NO on the budget resolution. Phone calls are most effective right now. Lutheran Services in America (LSA) put together talking points for these calls, which can be found here.

You can also use LSA's resource to type in your address to get a list of those who represent your district and their phone numbers here.

 Or you can use the quick script below or create your own. 

"Hi. I'm a constituent of Congressman/Senator______  in district  _____ and I urge the Congressman/Senator to vote NO on the budget resolution. I care about this issue because ______ " 


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